Skicentrum Deštné
Máme společnou vášeň

For this unique Prague event, we had to transform the premises of the Church of St. Michael in the very centre of Prague so that we could fulfil all of the stages of the creative concept we prepared. Once again we took charge of all communication, the programme and the subsequent execution. The whole division of the church into three different zones copied the concept from the summer, and everything contained perceptions from three territories: sound, vision and taste. The content of each individual floor had a certain degree of interactivity, from a passive experience to drawing the visitor into a certain activity. The installed gallery housed paintings from the summer mobile gallery, within whose scope five canvases with portraits of Giants were created by the hands of illustrators from the DRAWetc. graphic studio. The portrait of Kamila Rundusová, aka Kamu, was created directly on site in real time as a live drawing by one the street artists in the DRAWetc. studio. Large-scale portraits of Giants were also created during the summer events. Most of them were created by the artist Dodo from Life is Porno, with Michal Škapa helping him with one of the portraits. The painting took place without a template, on large outdoor surfaces two by three metres in size, using colours and sprays. The largest of the exhibited works, the afore-mentioned collaboration between Dodo and Škapa, was a portrait of Jakub Pešek from Lunchmeat, almost five metres wide. Apart from other objects, such as an exhibition of photographic collages by František Ortmann, an installation by the Forbidden Taste crew called Tattoo Glove, i.e. tattooing of the hand with food, a video tree, a laser harp on which every visitor had the opportunity to try to mix a composition using lasers, the “tilt brush”, i.e. 3D painting in virtual glasses, and other bizarre items, there was also music. The line-up included DJ Robot with Radimo, an exclusive combination of DJ NobodyListen and Never Sol playing the piano, and solo sets by DJ Orion and DJ NobodyListen. Elektro Guzzi from Austria was a foreign guest, and PSH prepared a special show accompanied by a visual presentation by Lunchmeat studio, which by the way was in charge of the lighting concept for the entire space. It was demanding, but at the same time spectacular, dazzling and unforgettable.
floors of experiences
music slots